Thursday, April 15, 2021

Friendship Stars

I fell in love with this simple pattern arranged on point in red, black, and gold fabrics, with a large black and cream gingham border. It was featured in the annual American Patchwork & Quilting Calendar; the year and the designer is lost to time. I made this for my kitchen as a wall hanging but it lives as a table cover on an old sewing machine cabinet in a corner of the kitchen that my husband uses as a sort of office/library/telephone stand. It is pretty faded after all these years but fits right in to my 1897 house aura.

During the following years I made a blue and yellow version for my friend's blue kitchen. A few years after that she changed her color palette to gray.

Last spring I hauled out another version that I had started a while ago. I had hoped to make this one for another friend. Her family owned a coffee business for many years, and I had collected a number of coffee fabrics to use for her table topper/wall hanging. Unfortunately, I waited too long and she died before I could make it. So I made it in her memory.

For BM 2020


ByJane said...

Wow! That last quilt story makes me want to cry--and stop putting off till tomorrow, etc etc etc.

Ellie Miller said...

Are you referring to Barb McDonnell? I was wondering if she was still alive. She had to be well on in years. Home from AZ. trying to get out from under.