Tuesday, August 23, 2011


My pal and I are registered for a quilt retreat in Litchfield in early November. This is something we've been wanting to do for a long time and this year is it! The issue today is, "What the heck are we going to work on?" So we spent a good part of the day recently teaching ourselves a new technique for putting together a Hunter's Star. So we picked some ugly fabric to experiment on. Well, the results are OK, but the method to make the star with a "special tool" was no time-saver and is not fail-safe by ANY means. It took the two of us to puzzle over and think about the written directions. AND did I say it took almost a whole day to do this? Perhaps if we had treated ourselves to our glasses of Sam Adams Summer Ale first we would have breezed through this exercise.

My vote? Thumbs down.

Unhappy blocks